Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Frequencies (NAFF)

A little command line tool (macOS only) to perform high-resolution frequency analysis of time series following the Laskar method.

Welcome to hpNAFF Analysis(version 0.0.3, build 213). ©2018 Heiko Pälike
Usage: hpnaff [options] file
file format: tab separated columns, data must be equidistantly spaced. Instead of file can specify '-' for stdin.
  -h, --help:
      Displays help message.
  -r, --fracRMSChangeLimit:
      fracRMSChangeLimit. Default: 0.000002
  -f, --fracFreqAccuracyLimit:
      fracFreqAccuracyLimit. Default: 0.00000001
  -m, --maxFrequencies:
      maxFrequencies. Default: 30
  -c, --freqCycleLimit:
      freqCycleLimit. Default: 100
  -l, --lowerFreqLimit:
      lowerFreqLimit. Default: 0.0
  -u, --upperFreqLimit:
      upperFreqLimit. Default: 0.5 (NYQUIST)
  -d, --detrendingOrder:
      Order for polynomial detrending. 0 removes DC only. >0 removes a polynomial fit. Default: not set
  -dC, --detrendChunks:
      Option to apply detrending (-d) to individual chunks. Default: false
  -fAL, --filterAbscissaLower:
      filter on Abscissa (x-axis) data greater or equal than value specified.
  -fAU, --filterAbscissaUpper:
      filter on Abscissa (x-axis) data lesser or equal than value specified.
  -s, --chunkSize:
      Split the input file into chunks of this size. Default: not set, no chunking
  -w, --window_offsets:
      Specify windowing offset for evolutive analysis. Default: chunkSize if set, or None.
  -z, --columnSeparator:
      Use this as columns separtor for input file instead of default tab \t. Default: \t
  -k, --skipHeaderLines:
      Specify number of (header)lines to be skipped. Default: 0
  -n, --decimate:
      Specify decimation of input data. Default: 1 (take every value)
  -a, --abscissaColumn:
      Specify column number for abscissa (time or depth). Default: 1
  -o, --ordinateColumn:
      Specify column number for ordinate (data). Default: 2
  -C, --complex:
      Compute spectra for complex input. Default: false. If true, by default takes values from abscissa column + 1.
  -Co, --ComplexOrdinateColumn:
      Specify column number for ordinate (data), complex part. Default: 3 (if C option used)
  -t, --deltaT:
      Specify time/depth offset between data. Default: 1.0
  -x, --ratios:
      Compute and output frequency ratio matrix. Default: false.
      If ratio_option is set, provides comma separated list of frequency ratios to highlight in output.
      Output detrended data to this filename. Not implemented yet.
      Shows current version and build of this software
  -v, --verbose:
      Print verbose messages. Specify multiple times to increase verbosity.
      Shows references to papers and sources.
      Shows licenses of code components used in this software.

Binary download: 

after download, open the disk image (double click) and copy 'hpnaff' to a location in your search path, and  add execute permissions by 'chmod a+x ./hpnaff'
Then try it on a sample file: etp_1kyr_36Ma.txt

user$ ./hpnaff etp_1kyr_36Ma.txt -d 1 -m 75

Welcome to hpNAFF Analysis(version 0.0.3, build 213). ©2018 Heiko Pälike
    # | chunk |       t0       | points |    frequency |     amplitude |        phase | significance |       period |    arcsec/yr |  phase (deg)
    0 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.000000000 |    0.00000000 |  0.000000000 |  0.000000000 |          inf |    0.0000000 |    0.0000000
    1 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.002472456 |    0.75721258 |  3.740563127 |  0.795224850 |  404.4561076 |    3.2043032 |  214.3184802
    2 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.008040667 |    0.50803028 |  2.884682305 |  0.883312411 |  124.3677983 |   10.4207039 |  165.2801213
    3 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010522542 |    0.59639738 | -0.082998181 |  0.819232944 |   95.0340732 |   13.6372141 |   -4.7554455
    4 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024999241 |    0.53877771 |  5.657761090 |  0.799538049 |   40.0012145 |   32.3990163 |  324.1658319
    5 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010102115 |    0.39766702 |  4.191460152 |  0.868275243 |   98.9891738 |   13.0923408 |  240.1529767
    6 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.042828239 |    0.31115152 |  1.466354076 |  0.901608079 |   23.3490806 |   55.5053976 |   84.0158998
    7 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.007627856 |    0.30706911 |  0.558756432 |  0.900168948 |  131.0984453 |    9.8857008 |   32.0143854
    8 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.000407279 |    0.27097231 |  2.625060813 |  0.917986685 |  2455.3193079 |    0.5278336 |  150.4049056
    9 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.045302069 |    0.26148887 |  5.142663739 |  0.908826171 |   22.0740470 |   58.7114815 |  294.6529277
   10 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025832617 |    0.23907704 |  3.749692846 |  0.917331436 |   38.7107506 |   33.4790718 |  214.8415746
   11 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.001034652 |    0.22887920 |  0.316263467 |  0.926607081 |  966.5081496 |    1.3409095 |   18.1205619
   12 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.053350844 |    0.23311864 |  1.355156356 |  0.912975085 |   18.7438458 |   69.1426943 |   77.6447398
   13 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.009911387 |    0.18079485 |  5.692179627 |  0.941223463 |  100.8940492 |   12.8451580 |  326.1378689
   14 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.019210470 |    0.15673509 | -0.475811101 |  0.949106171 |   52.0549476 |   24.8967689 |  -27.2619679
   15 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.052929481 |    0.14841497 |  5.755575959 |  0.947991751 |   18.8930626 |   68.5966076 |  329.7702111
   16 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.009488271 |    0.15112041 | -0.166596806 |  0.960411335 |  105.3932755 |   12.2967997 |   -9.5452938
   17 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025098798 |    0.17311913 |  2.629896156 |  0.958954143 |   39.8425454 |   32.5280423 |  150.6819503
   18 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025414340 |    0.14355863 |  4.818017768 |  0.948646500 |   39.3478636 |   32.9369851 |  276.0520837
   19 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024888808 |    0.14098312 |  5.710170315 |  0.964800678 |   40.1787023 |   32.2558949 |  327.1686593
   20 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010323185 |    0.13699959 | -1.010235037 |  0.950068499 |   96.8693296 |   13.3788476 |  -57.8822039
   21 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.007440236 |    0.12986997 |  2.040412911 |  0.952028505 |  134.4043323 |    9.6425463 |  116.9070483
   22 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.001455303 |    0.12708837 |  2.315320953 |  0.947284522 |  687.1422369 |    1.8860724 |  132.6581188
   23 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010925100 |    0.11817449 | -0.359553678 |  0.955088819 |   91.5323401 |   14.1589300 |  -20.6009083
   24 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.009667251 |    0.11874251 |  2.622499866 |  0.954076881 |  103.4420280 |   12.5287567 |  150.2581741
   25 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010413464 |    0.09715416 |  2.916666621 |  0.980489783 |   96.0295264 |   13.4958491 |  167.1126876
   26 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.000901134 |    0.09569726 |  1.601650029 |  0.968540925 |  1109.7124523 |    1.1678701 |   91.7677869
   27 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.012994167 |    0.10086003 |  0.611296753 |  0.967944137 |   76.9576057 |   16.8404408 |   35.0247240
   28 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.042724400 |    0.09486677 |  1.049712386 |  0.980633336 |   23.4058291 |   55.3708222 |   60.1440894
   29 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.042929640 |    0.09470459 | -1.714770601 |  0.980891619 |   23.2939296 |   55.6368128 |  -98.2491183
   30 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.000231340 |    0.09813349 |  0.120421069 |  0.966402553 |  4322.6469415 |    0.2998163 |    6.8996190
   31 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.005563540 |    0.10009924 |  2.397732793 |  0.966768393 |  179.7416848 |    7.2103475 |  137.3799694
   32 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010638957 |    0.09688662 | -0.508364457 |  0.963816275 |   93.9941773 |   13.7880881 |  -29.1271378
   33 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.008918727 |    0.08741944 |  2.593049727 |  0.963136904 |  112.1236216 |   11.5586705 |  148.5708054
   34 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.007853669 |    0.09431900 |  1.158965447 |  0.965251357 |  127.3290309 |   10.1783544 |   66.4038287
   35 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.008385587 |    0.08641121 |  2.992612459 |  0.964986966 |  119.2522374 |   10.8677206 |  171.4640636
   36 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024592220 |    0.08828171 |  3.104291362 |  0.960710531 |   40.6632660 |   31.8715177 |  177.8627934
   37 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.018145511 |    0.08763660 |  3.810402005 |  0.964224191 |   55.1100477 |   23.5165828 |  218.3199532
   38 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024810831 |    0.08240291 |  4.521072848 |  0.981726642 |   40.3049788 |   32.1548364 |  259.0383931
   39 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.001312871 |    0.08074684 |  0.777678564 |  0.975863821 |  761.6892383 |    1.7014813 |   44.5576995
   40 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.002884917 |    0.08065197 |  2.947031918 |  0.969528217 |  346.6303909 |    3.7388528 |  168.8524910
   41 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.009282092 |    0.07995912 | -0.902914817 |  0.959472422 |  107.7343296 |   12.0295917 |  -51.7332083
   42 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.002172887 |    0.07898195 |  1.985388426 |  0.966843609 |  460.2171462 |    2.8160620 |  113.7543775
   43 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.002006049 |    0.07122474 |  1.007509615 |  0.970438583 |  498.4923050 |    2.5998395 |   57.7260487
   44 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.007224026 |    0.06531289 |  4.276575966 |  0.980491529 |  138.4269586 |    9.3623382 |  245.0297536
   45 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025182288 |    0.07351399 |  1.270869463 |  0.988854719 |   39.7104512 |   32.6362447 |   72.8154565
   46 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.012584554 |    0.06352105 |  4.354145054 |  0.976073138 |   79.4624898 |   16.3095821 |  249.4741350
   47 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.008233397 |    0.07018628 |  4.899907055 |  0.960922960 |  121.4565512 |   10.6704825 |  280.7439942
   48 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.043838032 |    0.06715352 |  3.232504870 |  0.964205369 |   22.8112428 |   56.8140900 |  185.2088863
   49 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.045402169 |    0.07436495 |  2.063108412 |  0.976470351 |   22.0253794 |   58.8412112 |  118.2074047
   50 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.034012471 |    0.06632261 |  0.311287406 |  0.964840418 |   29.4009808 |   44.0801621 |   17.8354546
   51 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.007042301 |    0.05954400 |  3.178131531 |  0.970294538 |  141.9990445 |    9.1268220 |  182.0935235
   52 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.002344771 |    0.06402237 |  1.101841745 |  0.972261310 |  426.4809570 |    3.0388227 |   63.1308817
   53 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.000615717 |    0.06955959 |  0.324650477 |  0.964170562 |  1624.1224848 |    0.7979694 |   18.6011022
   54 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024999132 |    0.06125458 |  3.871230045 |  0.987178751 |   40.0013889 |   32.3988750 |  221.8051431
   55 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.053168977 |    0.06126971 | -0.361831494 |  0.974608027 |   18.8079602 |   68.9069938 |  -20.7314175
   56 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.018476857 |    0.05675901 |  1.358226770 |  0.977498190 |   54.1217594 |   23.9460065 |   77.8206616
   57 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025289765 |    0.06621218 | -0.908124366 |  0.973848432 |   39.5416874 |   32.7755361 |  -52.0316934
   58 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.045202487 |    0.05979910 |  4.539755588 |  0.986931204 |   22.1226766 |   58.5824230 |  260.1088352
   59 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.001552070 |    0.05459046 |  3.384103213 |  0.981459234 |  644.3008070 |    2.0114828 |  193.8948316
   60 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.010774957 |    0.06013891 | -0.920953234 |  0.970525278 |   92.8077955 |   13.9643442 |  -52.7667334
   61 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.035180014 |    0.05381168 |  6.108664130 |  0.971837344 |   28.4252302 |   45.5932984 |  350.0006731
   62 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025932854 |    0.05497186 |  0.528441357 |  0.981080889 |   38.5611237 |   33.6089791 |   30.2774595
   63 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.019098347 |    0.05289607 |  5.666427468 |  0.977106525 |   52.3605527 |   24.7514576 |  324.6623788
   64 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.052829237 |    0.05592637 |  4.622260246 |  0.978276226 |   18.9289122 |   68.4666917 |  264.8360039
   65 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.011547573 |    0.05030717 |  3.661455522 |  0.969207972 |   86.5982825 |   14.9656548 |  209.7859483
   66 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.052667555 |    0.04771644 |  4.565272418 |  0.975236327 |   18.9870216 |   68.2571512 |  261.5708419
   67 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.008514639 |    0.04803989 |  4.938763955 |  0.978348825 |  117.4447953 |   11.0349718 |  282.9703306
   68 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.017723966 |    0.04660213 |  1.785804534 |  0.976900923 |   56.4207807 |   22.9702600 |  102.3190628
   69 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.013408861 |    0.04526629 | -0.218064190 |  0.976732181 |   74.5775492 |   17.3778840 |  -12.4941577
   70 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.004944881 |    0.04401069 |  3.792380744 |  0.977679901 |  202.2293298 |    6.4085660 |  217.2874110
   71 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.024477668 |    0.04221972 |  2.795577278 |  0.982048043 |   40.8535657 |   31.7230571 |  160.1747793
   72 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.025733760 |    0.04584982 |  3.159868064 |  0.992264469 |   38.8594588 |   33.3509534 |  181.0471039
   73 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.044937430 |    0.04272239 |  0.214967211 |  0.979101049 |   22.2531639 |   58.2389096 |   12.3167139
   74 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.018373301 |    0.04170326 |  4.267372691 |  0.976418626 |   54.4268023 |   23.8117976 |  244.5024448
   75 |     0 |         0.0000 |  14001 |  0.016041231 |    0.04508949 |  2.028720999 |  0.980103372 |   62.3393556 |   20.7894353 |  116.2371510

"Evolutive" outputs can be obtained with the -s option, e.g. -s 1000 computes an analysis for every 1000 points.

Source code available at:


This is a Swift implementation of

Related efforts:


1. Laskar, J., 1990, The chaotic motion of the Solar System. A numerical estimate of the size of the chaotic zones, Icarus, 88, 266-291.
2. Laskar, J., 1993, Frequency analysis for multi-dimensional systems. Global dynamics and diffusion, Physica D, 67, 257-281.
3. Dumas, S., Laskar, J., 1993, Global Dynamics and Long-Time Stability in Hamiltonian Systems Via Numerical Frequency Analysis, Phys. Rev. Letters, 70 (20), 2975-2979.
4. Laskar, J. : 1999, Introduction to frequency map analysis, in proc. of NATO ASI 533 3DHAM95, S'Agaro, Spain, 134150.
5. Papaphilippou, Y., Frequency maps for LHC models, PAC99.
6. Papahilippou, Y. Zimmermann, F., Weak-strong beam-beam simulations for the Large Hadron Collider, Phys. Rev. ST Accel.
Beams 2, 104001 (1999).
7. Robin, D., Steir, C., Laskar, J., Nadolski, L. : 2000, Global dynamics of the ALS revealed through experimental Frequency Map Analysis, Phys. Rev. Let., 85, pp. 558-561.
8. Laskar, J., Frequency map analysis and quasiperiodic decompositions. preprint ( (2003).
9. Valluri & Merritt, 1998