now streamlined to IODPCoreImage
Version 0.1.32 (88) (macOS)
Here a little tool that accesses our database to generate core image tracks. See bottom of this page for an overview Poster pdf.
Please enter or select a ODP/IODP Site name in the field provided.
If a Site was previously viewed, images are pre-generated and or cached and should be fast.
Otherwise be a little patient.
This is currently macOS only, and alpha Quality.
IODP Core images are available at
ODP images were partially extracted by the project
Images displayed by IODPImageSplicer are downsampled from their original resolution to achieve acceptable processing speed (~500 pixels wide for IODP LSImg, ~100 for manually cropped core table photos).
Tip: after clicking on the main canvas, there is a zoom option (either from the View menu, or via keyboard short-cuts (⌘+, ⌘-)
Drury, A.J., Kotov, S., Rochholz, F., Wilkens, R., Pälike, H. (2018), Uniform, Rapid, Open Access Database for Shipboard IODP/ODP/DSDP Images, Abstract [PP41F-1923] presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.