A communication tool to facilitated organising activities within the MARUM-RECORDER field.


This is the public home page for MARUM-RECORDER. This site contains public and internal material.

There is also a mailing list "MARUM-RECORDER" to which project members can subscribe

Ocean-floor sed­i­ments will be in­vest­ig­ated as an archive of past cli­mate, ele­ment cycles and eco­sys­tem re­sponses, on times­cales bey­ond in­stru­mental ob­ser­va­tions and dur­ing cli­mate states sig­ni­fic­antly warmer than the present, provid­ing scen­arios for as­sess­ing the con­sequences of warmer-than-present worlds.

Our main objectives / expected achievements are:

  • To assess the sensitivity of the Earth System to perturbations we will decipher the physical
    and biogeochemical responses to large carbon releases, changes in the hydrological cycle
    (incl. monsoon systems), and sea-level variations.
  • To determine feedbacks between climatic perturbations, water-column processes, and the
    ocean floor we will evaluate the controls on temporal variability of the biological pump, the
    consequences for carbon cycling in the ocean and carbon deposition at the ocean floor.
  • To decipher the reactions of marine ecosystems to perturbations we will determine oceanic
    ecosystem diversity and function under changing climatic and geodynamic conditions.

Blog stream

Blog stream

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