- A dynamic database system with fast data retrieval and comprehensive machine-enabled data access (Description and data snapshot)
- Application for dynamic IODP database (Earthsequencing version) connection, query, preview, pre-processing (de-trending, outliers and jumps removal, sub-selection, resampling, normalisation, filtering) and data saving. (DBViewer)
- Dynamic Time Warping software (DTW-LAZARUS)
- A prototype view of ODP/IODP data (https://paloz.marum.de/database)
- A high-resolution frequency analysis tool using Laskar's NAFF method.
- A tool to implement Taner bandpass filtering and Hilbert transforming for instantaneous amplitude and frequency analysis (tanerHilbert).
- A tool to access ODP/IODP core images, stitched per Core on-demand. (IODPImageSplicer).
- A macOS tool to plot Thomson Multitaper evolutive spectra. (SPECTROGRAM).
- A cross-platform (Unix, macOS, Windows) tool similar to AnalySeries (QAnalySeries).
- Adaptation of Scientific Workflow system to EARTHSEQUENCING data (Kepler-EARTHSEQUENCING).
- A tool to directly incorporate data from PANGAEA into our workflows: (PANGAEACLIENT).
- The tool AstroSolution allows the calculation of orbital solutions (Eccentricity, Obliquity, climatic precession etc.): (AstroSolution). Hosted WebApp.
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